Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Baby's First Blog

So, it happened. I finally made a blog. Being the written word purist that I am, I never thought this day would come. I despise the kindle, and have a dreadful feeling about the direction that journalism is headed in. To me, there is nothing quite like having a book (made out of paper) in your hands. The relationship between an author and his or her reader is compromised when the piece is slapped on a computer screen...or a kindle...or an ipad...or whatever the hell Steve Jobs comes out with next. I feel like the only person outside of a geriatric unit still reading news papers. I'm saddened by the fact that the public only wants bare bones information anymore. Why doesn't anybody make time to read more than a headline? Journalism used to be about the story; now it's about fitting facts into 140 characters or less. In order to make it into the big leagues as a writer, people have to know your name. You must have a twitter, email, blog, and a smartphone to check all three while on the go.
    I suppose I've gotten tired of fighting society's natural flow on this one, so here we are. It's not all bad-the advice all writers get is to never stop writing. Having this blog will allow me to write...even if nobody is reading.

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