Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Positive Energy

       Since coming to college, my life has become a series of unfortunate events. From battling the CTA to flight cancellations, I’ve become a bit run down lately. However, watching a movie recently, a quote struck me: “Sometimes you see a lot more when you’re down in the mud than when you’re in your ivory tower.”  

       I suppose I needed to hear that. Now that I have experienced some very tough situations, I can understand how to better deal with things in the future. Instead of wallowing about why crappy things happen, I should accept them as they come, and learn from the experience. It sounds cliché, but in the heat of the moment it’s hard to do. I want to try to be a more positive person in these next few weeks, just for shits and giggles.  Perhaps instead of melting down, I can turn this angst I feel into something creative. I’m in art school, as it turns out, and teachers totally eat that stuff up! So here goes nothing…happy thoughts…happy thoughts…happy thoughts…

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